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If you’re a frequent flyer or long-term traveler you might find it difficult to maintain a routine on the road. More often than not, we tend to neglect our health and we’re not just talking about working out. It’s also important to incorporate self care practices for general wellness.

Read these travel wellness tips to help you stay happy and healthy on the go!


Travel Wellness Tips

Written By: Niki Landry



Table Of Contents



Traveling gives you the opportunity to step out of your everyday life, try new things, and discover different cultures. These fast-paced and often overstimulating trips can give you wonderful experiences but can also leave you exhausted and in need of a vacation from your vacation.

Especially for long-term travelers, the need to create a balance between soaking up new experiences and taking care of your health and well-being can easily become one-sided. It’s important to make the most of your travels by incorporating self-care and wellness practices into your routine and taking time out to recharge on longer trips.




Grip Non-Slip Socks | SuperLite Travel Yoga Mat


Self Care Practices


There are things you already practice in your non-travel life that may easily translate into your trips, with a little effort. Just using one or two a week can greatly improve your outlook and mindset while traveling.


Here a a few easy hotel room workouts you can do anywhere (at any age)!




The Meditation Transformation | The Four Agreements




For me, meditating is the most simple relaxation method I can practice on the road. Most mornings, I take 10 minutes just to start my day on a positive note.

There are lots of meditation apps you can use to guide you through the process. You can focus on the time of day and length of the mediation to suit your relaxation needs and travel schedule. It’s a simple but effective way to add calm to your day.

If you’re trying meditation for the first time, don’t feel discouraged if you can’t “clear your mind” immediately. That’s why meditation is a practice–it takes a lifetime, and you will likely never be perfect at it. Try to be gentle and forgiving to yourself and over time, you’ll feel the benefits.


If meditating’s not your thing, have you heard of adult coloring books? Take a look at these traveling coloring books!




Sugar Paper LA Journal | Swept Away By Wanderlust Fill-In Journal




The original travel blog, journaling on your trips is a great way to fully experience and be present during your travels with the added bonus of clearing your mind. So many small details and nuances from trips can be easily lost if not written down. I love to people watch, and recording my observations is a great way to spend a relaxing afternoon.

If writing causes you more stress than it cures, there are fill-in journal options that will save your memories without the pressure of storytelling. Sketching is a similar practice that can have the same great benefits.


If you find painting to be relaxing, take a look at these artist travel essentials!




Fitness Tracker Watch | Nike Running Shoe


Get Active


At some point, eating and drinking all of the best food and alcohol around the world will catch up with you. It’s great to indulge, but if you’re traveling constantly, it can become a problem. Since abstaining isn’t an option, the best way to combat this common long-term travel issue is to get active.

If going to a gym isn’t possible, look for ways to experience your destination while getting in a workout. Go kayaking, hiking, or cycling.

In addition to adding in one or two outdoor activities a week, I also walk everywhere. It’s my favorite mode of transportation, and it helps to keep an unhealthy travel diet in check.


Use a fitness tracker to track your steps on your trips. You might be surprised how many calories you’ll burn sightseeing!




Fifty Places to Hike Before You Die




I get overstimulated very easily, especially in large cities where I’m interacting with people constantly. if I know I’ll be in a big city for a while, I try to incorporate day trips to more rural or natural areas to explore. But my easiest escape is to find a park or garden close by to detox my mind.

I can enjoy a whole day reading and lounging in parks around the world. There’s no plan or schedule; just grab a book, snack, or coffee and waste the day away. It’s something I would never do at home, but I always find myself spending at least one day in a park to break up my hectic travel and sightseeing days.


Don’t want to weigh yourself down with books? Use a Kindle or download a Kindle app for your phone!





Do you have any other travel wellness tips to add? Please comment!






For more travel fitness tips, please read:


We hope you liked these travel wellness tips. Please share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Thanks for reading!

Author Bio: Niki is an interior designer and artist from Louisiana. In addition to her design work, she writes for local and online publications sharing her experiences and passion for travel. Niki is currently adding stamps to her passport while building her design practice, Niki Landry Designs.